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Your Business Blueprint

When it Comes to Wealth Preservation Begin with the End in Mind. 

Develop a blueprint to not only bring the expertise to the table but to

LISTEN and UNDERSTAND what you and your business wants and needs.

Wealth Preservation is About Focusing on
Where Money is Made, Not Where Money is Spent


31.7 MILLION  Closely Held Businesses in the US

According to U.S. census data:


  • Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 to 1964) own 40 TO 45% of these companies.

  • Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980) owns approximately 44%.

  • Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) own approximately 13-16%.

  • Generation Z (those born from 1997 onward) currently owns a very small percentage of privately held businesses in the United States, estimated to be around 1-2% and growing.


Although baby boomers are holding on to their businesses for a longer period, all boomers will reach the age of 70 or older within the next 5 years and “retirement” age.


That represents 10+ million or more of baby boomer businesses poised to transition or already in transition.


Assuming a business valuation of 50% of sales, which is reasonable by most standards, that number further represents trillions of wealth poised to transition.


Unlocking this wealth should be of paramount importance to all business owners . . .


. . . if for no other reason than most owners have 80 to 90% of their financial wealth locked in their businesses. Given the significance of this asset in an owner’s wealth portfolios, the ability to monetize this wealth at some point will have a significant impact on an entrepreneur’s financial security and lifestyles once he or she exits the businesses.


Our experience have shown that many business owners in the trades are not equipped to handle this phase of the business lifecycle so the natural tendency is to avoid talking about these issues, because it is outside of their comfort zone.


SHAPCOTT & LAUBER partners and finds the right trained professionals for these efforts. Proper planning is a financially sound step to take because it can begin to establish the proper timelines and steps needed to prepare for an effective exit (BY BEGINNING WITH THE END OF MIND) even if that transition is still many years away.




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